Wednesday, May 7, 2008

February Baby Sweater, The Conclusion

The February Baby Sweater from Knitter's Almanac

Like every other EZ pattern, this one is fantastic. As I am wont to do, I made some alterations. EZ would approve, I think. Seams were completely eliminated with the following modifications:

On RS row, knit in pattern across first 25 sts (right front) + 28 (sleeve) =54 sts. Put last 28 (sleeve) sts on hold. Continue in patt for next 70 sts [42(back) + 28(sleeve)], placing last 28 on hold for other sleeve, finish row as established (25 sts-left front) . Next row: using backward loop cast, cast on 14 sts over each sleeve gap. Continue on with body.

Sleeves- Starting at midpoint of underarm seam, pick up 7 sts, then put held stitches on needles, and pick up 7 more stitches at underarm. Knit one round, then continue in lace pattern. For the Gull Lace pattern in the round, knit the purl rounds.

This eliminates all seams! Now go run and knit one out of the sock yarn that you will never make into socks. I'm off on button-adventures.


  1. it's DARLING! i can't wait to see the buttons!

    also, you've been tagged.

  2. Wow -- how cool! Makes me wish I were ready for a sweater; I'm still at the garter-stitched scarf & afghan stage -- but my teacher will LOVE your seam elimination, as she makes lots of sweaters. Thanks for sharing!

  3. THANK YOU for posting the how-to on doing the arms in the round. Your instructions were nice and clear! I'm off to knit a sleeve.

    Great blog BTW!
