That’s everything I have on the needles right now. (You don’t want to see the pile of yarn patiently waiting its turn.)
As I took the pictures, I realized there was something wrong with everything there.
Tangled Yoke Cardi?
Too big, have to rip and go down one size. And my yarn is from two very different dye lots, I’m going to try and hide that with the ribbing.
Hubby’s Scarf?
Miles of 1x1 ribbing. Miles.
Oatmeal Knucks?
Kitty #1 chewed on a DPN, so it’s scratchy, and I’m to the point where I have to add the thumb and then I have to pay attention.
Argyle slippers?
Still trying to figure out the gauge.
Lady Ming?
Another needle issue, one end is über pointy thanks to Kitty #3 and some sand paper. It is bugging me.
Hubby’s Hat?
The yarn is very fine and requires a US3. And Hubby has a big head. I had to cast on 200 stitches and it’s more 1x1 ribbing. On metal needles. I hate metal. They hurt my hands, so after only a round or two I have to put it down.
Baby Sweater?
Both sleeves are done but, I need the cable Hubby’s hat is on to knit the body. Which means that will also be on metal needles. Ick.
Mystery project?
This requires some hooking and more planning. I hate hooking more than planning and so it languishes.
The results? I’m surrounded by knitting, but I have nothing to knit. Maybe I’ll cast on this.
oh! you should totally send me bill's scarf. because i can TOTALLY knit that on the bus. it is PERFECT bus knitting.