This is Number One Son: Tobasco, "Toast" to his friends. He'll be 5 years in October and is the true definition of a mama's boy. He loves his snuggles and will run away anytime Zeke approaches him, crying like a little girl. His daddy calls him Lead Cat. He lands like a ton on bricks, usually on Daddy's stomach.
This is my little girl. Her name is Teriyaki. She is the most cat-like of the three. She'll accept attention when SHE wants it, not when you want to give it. She loves to tease us by lying on the floor, exposing her snow white, furry belly and when you approach to stroke it... run away!!
And then we have Tzatziki a.k.a Zeke or Poo because he can be a little shit. He's the most playful. Sometimes we suspect he may be a dog in disguise. He loves to "help." The best place in the world to take a nap is his mama's lap--when she's knitting.
they're all so...saucy! ;)