Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The solution to blocking fear and stalled knitting?

Garter stitch!!!

(Imagine "arty" photo necessary to preserve project anonymity. )

Friday, March 27, 2009


Have you ever been afraid to block something?

My Bias Shell (ravelry link) has been causing problems. The first time I started it, I screwed up the directions. The second time, I went up a needle size, thinking it would be better, but it wound up big enough for a baby orca. The third time is the charm, right? Well, I have the front finished, but I am afraid to block it because I don't want to find out it is wrong. And I don't want to start the back until I know the front is the correct size. And I'm using my Christmas yarn, so it has to be perfect.

The net result? My knitting languishes. All of it. Guilt and worry over one project has completely stalled everything. Which is not good, seeing as I have a nephew to knit for. Maybe some garter stitch....?